Remote Monitoring & Management:
Cyber security relies on multiple layers of defense systems and processes, working together. But, the game is always changing. New hardware, software, apps and other network resources are continuously being added to or modified within your infrastructure. With shrinking budgets, more demand on IT personnel’s time, and a “get it done now!” atmosphere, is a mistake waiting to happen. A rushed job may lead to an improperly configured, non-updated or unpatched asset ‘living in’ your network. And it’s got a big, fat target on it’s back.
Do you have the resources, time and money to dedicate to continuous monitoring, managing, updating and patching every device on your network? You know how critical this is.
If not, what do you do? We have a tool:
Introducing: the Barracuda Managed Workplace. The first Remote Monitoring and Management tool in its class to include a built-in security assessment tool that enables us to quickly assess your networks, deliver multi-layered security, monitor anomalies, and seamlessly recover data in the event of an attack.
Multi-layered security services:
Managed Workplace is a single, turnkey solution that includes security assessment, remote monitoring and management capabilities, task automation, patch management, powerful reporting, and more. Available on-premises or in the cloud, we can perform security services that small-and-medium sized businesses need in today’s cyberthreat landscape.
Detect and address vulnerabilities:
Managed Workplace’s Site Security Assessment feature is a built-in business enablement tool that allows managed service providers to easily identify network vulnerabilities, provide remediation recommendations. The assessment measures security posture for SMB sites by analyzing patch and password management, antivirus status, and network security levels. The output of the assessment can be reviewed periodically to track security history and improvement over time.

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